
List of Books I’m currently reading

  • On the Shortness of Life
  • Finite and Infinite Games


List of all books that I have read and would recommend

  • Skin in the Game by Taleb
  • The Intelligent Investor by Graham
  • The Psychology of Money by Housel
  • Never Split the Difference by Voss and Raz
  • Courage to be Disliked by Kishimi and Koga
  • When Breath becomes Air by Kalanithi
  • Skin in the Game by Taleb
  • Meditations by Aurelius
  • David and Goliath by Gladwell (with the note that this is probably most effective to youngins’ out there who feel like they are outliers (another malcolm gladwell book that is a decent read) - this book came to me at a time when I felt this and it gave me the permission to dream)
    • NB: The writer wants the reader to know that the writer felt like a badass when they used nested brackets
  • Bhagvat Gita
  • Shoe Dog by Knight
  • Coming Storm by Lewis
  • Ender’s Game by Card
  • Deep Work by Newport
  • So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Newport
  • Zero to One by Thiel
  • Ego is the Enemy by Holiday
  • Lean Startup by Ries
  • Founders at Work by Livingston
  • All Enid Blyton books (I used to be obsessed with them as a kid)
  • Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald (it was assigned reading in english in high school but had a lasting impact on me - thanks Mr. Chiba :p)


Interesting non-book media(blogs, podcasts, poems, interpretive dances etc.) that I really enjoy

  • How to get Rich without getting lucky: Click-baity title I know. However, it is personally one of the most impactful piece of media I have ever consumed. This piece single-handedly changed the way I thought about certain paradigms completely. Even if you don’t fully agree with his stance on all things (I don’t), I think there is something to take away for everybody here.

  • Request for startups from YC: In my opinion, this is a pretty solid list of some of the hardest problems that exist out there in the world. We (the world) need smart people to go work on meaningful problems and attack them head-on. That being said, if you are working on any of these, esp. Future of Work, AI, Improving Memory or VR/AR, let’s talk :)

  • The Tail End: Most of Tim Urban’s articles are bangers and I try to read most as they come up but this one changed my outlook on life the most. When I think of the phrase ‘reality check’, this article comes to mind.

  • Are You My Friend?: Again, another person whose work I respect and appreciate so so much! Like Tim, Lawrence has a way to distill seemingly complicated life topics into digestible comics that are both entertaining to read and super profound at the same time. This article came at a time when I was trying to wrap my head around adult friendships. While friendships (and more generally relationships) are still a WIP, I feel much more grounded on my knowledge about them.

Interesting book lists that I sometimes refer to